ENDOCLUBNORD - we make the difference
Join us 7 - 9 November 2024 in Hamburg/Germany


Be part of this top event, see live Endoscopy on our
I-MAX style screen, chat with international experts, and get updated on current and future standards. We look forward to seeing you at Hamburg Congress Centre CCH.

Programme at a glance

Thursday, 7 November 2024

16:00 – 19:00    | Pre-Conference Workshop*: Complications in GI Endoscopy 
                           | Chair: Peter Meier, Thomas Rösch

16:15                   | GI Haemorrhage: Spontaneous or iatrogenic – different approaches?
                           | Ian Gralnek
16:40                  | Cholestatische Katastrophen: ERCP oder EUS, was wann?
                           | Ulrike Denzer
17:05                  | Dünndarmendoskopie: Segen oder Gefährdung?
                           | Andrea May
17:45                  | Intramuscular Dissection: A new kid on the block or dangerous provocation?
                           | Barbara Bastiaansen
18:10                   | EMR/ ESD/ Vollwandresektion: Effektivität versus Aufwand und Komplikationsrate
                           | Markus Dollhopf
18:35                  | The second victim phenomenon: How do we solve our complications?
                           | Antonia Mondorf

*Registration needed, fee included in the main event registration | No simultaneous translation available. 

Friday, 8 November 2024

08:30                | Opening Ceremony**
                          | Chair: Thomas Rösch, Jürgen Pohl, Thomas von Hahn 

08:40 – 10:30  | Live demonstrations and special cases: Colon and esophagus**
                          | Chair: Katharina Edenharter, Andrea May, Michael Oelckers, Christian Pox, Thomas Rösch

11:30 – 14:00    | Live demonstration and special case: ERCP**
                          | Chair: Stefan Groth, Henrike Lenzen, Frank Muckermann, Michael Oelckers, Jürgen Pohl 

14:00 – 16:00   | Live demonstration and special case: EUS?**
                          | Chair: Jörg Albert, Fritz Hagenmüller, Stephan Hollerbach, Michael Oelckers, Kornelia Wietfeld

16:40 – 18:15     | Live demonstration**
                          | Chair: Ulrike Denzer, Horst Neuhaus, Michael Oelckers, Ute Pfeifer, Thomas von Hahn 

16:40 – 18:15     | DEGEA follow-up symposia*

18:15 – 19:00    | Meet the Expert Session*

                          | Session 1: Colorectal Cancer Screening 2024 and beyond
                          | in cooperation with bng, language: English
                          | Panelists: Ulrike Denzer, Oliver Drvarov, Michal Kaminski

                          | Session 2 HPB Interventions
                          | Discussion of selected cases of the day with the interventionalists, language: German and Englisch 
                          | Chair: Angelika Behrens

                          | Session 3:  Resections and Third Space
                          | Discussion of selected cases of the day with the interventionalists, language: German and Englisch 
                          | Chair: Stephan Groth

19:30                 | ENDOCLUBNORD Networking Party

*No simultaneous translation available | **Simultaneous translation available

Saturday, 9 November 2024

09:00 – 10:30 | Best of live sessions part I – Upper GI Tract*
                          | Chair: Jacques Bergman, Alanna Ebigbo, Siegbert Faiss, Roberta Maselli, Thomas Rösch 

11:30 – 11:50      | Keynote lecture: „Less is More“*
                          | Chair: Jacques Bergman

11:50 – 12:50     | Best of live sessions part II – HPB and Small Intestine*
                          | Panelists: Ivo Boskoski, Markus Dollhopf, Mouen Khashab, Henrike Lenzen, Thomas von Hahn  

12:50 – 13:50    | Best of live sessions part III – Lower GI section*
                          | Panelists: Torsten Beyna, Oliver Drvarov, Michal Kaminski, Jürgen Pohl

13:50                 | Closing Ceremony*

*Simultaneous translation available